Toilets – personal space indispensable in every house. Besides the bedroom and the kitchen, the toilet is also the most used place.
Modern toilets, in addition to traditional functions, also aim for convenience and aesthetics, and is also a place for people to embellish their appearance before going out. So the toilet itself needs to be beautiful and harmonious
With their creativity, architects have turned the toilet into a splendid beautiful space, not just a normal private toilet. Nowadays, with a society that loves beauty and promotes aesthetics, the requirements when building toilets also set a lot of strict standards. Quartz Stone wants to introduce to you the extremely modern, classy toilets made from the main material of high-grade quartz artificial stone because of the outstanding advantages of this stone.
Beautiful colors, diverse patterns
Just like a bathroom, the toilet will usually not mix many types of flashy colors, but only aim for some elegant colors, minimal details to create a feeling of luxury, cleanliness, freshness and increase effect. wide space. Colors commonly chosen for toilet designs are white, gray, yellow, brown, black. Patterns also do not need to be too fussy, preferring gentle colors with marble, marble, onyx or just one plain color. Quartz-based artificial stone is a dense, lighter body than natural stone and without joints, thus creating a harmonious whole between items such as toilets, storage areas, lavabo, mirrors and pedestals.
Easy to clean, clean
The huge advantage of quartz-based artificial stones is that it is easy to clean as well as easily repaired and refreshed, without spending too much time and effort. With high frequency of use, consumers will pay much attention to this factor in choosing key materials for toilets, and therefore quartz-based artificial stone is becoming the trend and chosen by many knowledgeable and sophisticated customers.
Durability comes with five months
Toilets are one of the spaces that use a lot and have little change in the interior. Normally toilets and toilet equipment will be used for 10 years or more, so consumers should not hesitate or regret money in choosing materials and utensils, choose the best. and best. Currently, quartz-based artificial rock is the most appreciated for its durability, higher than conventional materials such as porcelain, stainless steel, and composite because of its monolithic, dense and composition over 90% is quartz.
Quartz Stone is available in a workshop and a variety of colorful and rich quartz stone artificial stones. If you need advice or view samples directly, please call the hotline of the company for the fastest support: 0914.938.844. Quartz Stone is pleased to serve you!